Monday, December 30, 2019

Ethics And Professional Codes Of Conduct - 878 Words

Ethics and Professional Codes of Conduct (Unit 10), Trump won the president in this month. After two months, Donald Trump will be the official president. However, the concerns about his ethics is upcoming to everyone’s mind. As we known, The Trump Organization runs a lot of business all around the US. When Donald Trump moves into the White House, he ll be the most controversial president in America history. After Trump is the president, his business interest is related to the politic. But there is no law and rules that asks a president to split his financial interests before he takes the president position. In past few period, presidents got away from the business to avoid the conflicts. Trump has no way to put his real estate empire aside. Obvious, he would involve his business into the future politic policy. Democrats aware this conflicts of the interest. But they can’t call official hearings. But they will keep the eyes on him. Also, if necessary, they can do investigations to avoid the conflicts of the interest. In addition, Trump is expressing an interest in a major infrastructure plan, equal pay for women, and closing the interest tax rate. These acts could give him a benefits, but they are good for the country. The infrastructure plan, such as highway, could improve the people life. Tax plan keeps the money in our own pocket. Another issue is MoreRelatedCode Of Ethics And Professional Conduct1274 Words   |  6 PagesReview of the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of BIP The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (CEPC) has been formulated on the basis of article 44, 45, 46, 47 of BIP constitution, to secure the rights and benefits of the Planners community in Bangladesh. CEPC not only provide guidance and support to the members of BIP on their lead in the professional field but also offers assurance to the client who avails the services of Planners. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Economics Of Happiness Is Useful For Assess Overall...

Introduction (Given) There has always been interest in understanding what makes people happy (Thus) The economics of happiness is important to improve policy that impacts well-being (How) By using longitudinal data and original research to draw conclusions on happiness Chapter 1: The Economics of Happiness (Given) The economics of happiness is useful to assess overall welfare of an individual (Thus) Economics of happiness is complementary to income-based measurements of welfare (Because 1) Income-based measurements of happiness provide limited information (Because 2) Easterlin Paradox reveals methodological challenges of the economics of happiness, remains unresolved across countries (For example) People answer questions in a†¦show more content†¦(Thus) Development levels are unimportant in deciding on determinants of happiness (Because 1) Across studies, wealth and employment lead to higher levels of happiness (For example) Russia and Latin America share similarities with the United States, including marriage, employment, education, health (Because 2) Surveys across developing nations reveal similar patterns across populations (For example) Central Asian ethnic minorities happiness is largely based on income and socio-economic status (For example) Cuba and Eastern Europe are similar as a result of economic transitions

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Exam the Writing Process, Part 2 Free Essays

Exam #00711800 The Writing Process, Part 2 1. Write a composition using one of the topics listed below. Your composition should be three to five paragraphs long. We will write a custom essay sample on Exam the Writing Process, Part 2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now It should contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Today I am writing to analyze the best way to prepare a meal. As a stay at home mom with two children me preparation is very important so as to have the meal ready on time and tasting good. I will be analyzing one of my kids favorite meals which is fried chicken and macaroni and cheese When preparing this meal I like to make sure that I have all the ingredients needed for this. Of course you will need fresh chicken drumsticks that I normally set out the morning of to ensure they are fully thawed out. You will also need 3 to 4 eggs, and cereal bowl filled half way with flour. Now for the macaroni and cheese you will need one box of pasta either elbow or shells. Those are the pasta that I choose to use but you can use any kind that you would like. You also need Velveeta cheese and a stick of butter. To prepare the fried chicken I turn on my deep fryer and set it at 375 degrees. Next I take an empty bowl and crack open 3 eggs into it and use a fork whisk the eggs together. Then I take the drumsticks and dip them into the egg ensuring to fully coat the chicken. On full coated I roll the chicken in the flour fully coating it. Then I place the drumstick in to the fryer basket and repeat till I have at least 3 tree drumsticks to fry at one time. One I have what need in the basket I lower the basking into the heated cooking oil. I normally cook the drumsticks about 15 minutes a batch. I repeat all this until I cook the desired mount of chicken I need to feed my family which is about 6 to 8 drumsticks. Now to prepare the macaroni and cheese, you need to get out a medium size pot and fill 3 quarters full of water and place it on the stove and bring it to a boil. Once the water is at a full boil meaning the water is fully bubbling you add your pasta. Be sure to stir the pasta occasionally to make sure that the pasta is not sticking to the pot. After about 10 minutes of boiling take your spoon and check the pasta making sure they are soft enough to you taste be careful they will be hot if they’re not soft enough keep the boiling for 5 more minutes. While you’re waiting on your past grab your strainer and place it in the sink. Once you pasta is cooked take you pot from the heat and pour your contents into the strainer to get rid of the water. Next return you pasta to the pot add the sick of butter and 3 quarters of the stick of Velveeta cheese make sure you cut the cheese up into 1 inch squares. Stir all of the cheese and butter in until it’s all melted. That is how I prepare a simple yet satisfying meal for my family that takes roughly 45 minutes to prepare. Cooking meals like this saves money compared to going to restaurants all the time. I spend 15 dollars to make this rather than 25 to feed my family at McDonalds. If you’re either the cooker or the eater you get satisfaction by seeing your family enjoy the meal you prepared or enjoying the meal your loved one prepared. 2. Write a letter of complaint. Follow the rules for a business letter, and use the full-block style. Brandy Clay 1448A Alaska Ave Fort Campbell, Ky 42223 March 02, 2013 Customer Service The Salute Uniforms LLC 2724 Dorr Avenue Fairfax, Va, 22031 Dear Sir or Madam: I have recently ordered a combat service identification badge for my husband from your website on February 22. I received the badge on March 1. As soon as I received the package it was noticed that the packaging had taken a beating while traveling through the mail. As soon as I opened the packaging it was apparent that the badge inside was damaged as well. When examined closer I discovered that the badge had snapped in two and the pins that are used to secure it to the uniform are bent in ways that they are not functional. I cannot find your return or exchange policy on your website. My order number is 637130. To resolve this problem, I would simply like an exchange of this combat service identification badge for another of same brand and model. I have ordered from you several times in the past and have had no issues with the merchandise or shipping. I understand that such problems as this sometimes occur with shipping. I look forward to hearing from you concerning the exchange. You can me at (830) 688-2396 or brandy202006@yahoo. com. Sincerely, Brandy K. Clay How to cite Exam the Writing Process, Part 2, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Complex Issues Public Outrage free essay sample

With an ever changing demographic in our country and a general movement towards social reform from the now growing youth, combined tit the dying out of aged conservatives, the future majority representative political parties could become those Of the Libertarian party and the Green Party. With the current generation of twenty and thermosetting, it has been a popular trend to shift towards the personal descriptive quote of, Im socially progressive but fiscally responsible. As written by Brandon Shaffer, the President of the Colorado Senate, both current Democrats and Republicans are shifting towards or already share this view, and really agree on a lot of things. This balance, while not necessarily perfect by its simple definition for el Republicans and Democrats, creates middle ground that might melt into a popularization of the Libertarian Party. A party that is socially progressive but fiscally responsible. According to their website, the Libertarian Party, in a general sense, stands for less government but higher standers of equality and freedom to individual citizens. We will write a custom essay sample on Complex Issues Public Outrage or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They are against government involvement within the market, such as The Bush/Obama Bailouts, and state, A free and competitive market allocates resources in the most efficient manner. In the foreign policy arena, they stand for free trade, in an effort to build positive relationships, and to void negative relationships by emphasizing non-intervention with military policy. Libertarians also stand for gun rights, and that all law-abiding, responsible citizens do not and should not need to ask anyones permission or approval to engage in a peaceful activity. They also believe that healthcare should not be run by the government (part of minimizing it) but should be regulated by free market and would eliminate the FDA and replace it with a more agile, free-market alternative. On the immigration front, they stand a little farther left than their Republican half. They believe in documenting and jack taxing those illegal immigrants already within U. S. Borders, instead of evicting them. While it is true that youthful Republicans and conservative Democrats could possibly start leaning more towards the popularization Of the Libertarian Party, and with it the death of the Good Ole Party, it could also be plausible that the more liberal factions of the Democratic Party could find themselves joining with an ever younger generation that could be more Liberal than their older Libertarian counterparts. This could plausibly succeed with the popularization of the Green party in battle with the Libertarians in the two- arty arena. The Green Party, according to its website, stands more for direct democracy with its coined Grassroots Democracy, similar to the lines of the Libertarian stance of less government. They are, however, more geared towards a community-based economy and stand firm with regulation of higher minimum-wages and provide a decent standard of living for all people while maintaining a healthy ecological balance. The Green Party is also fervent to decentralized wealth and power, which they think are the key problems with social and economic injustice, environmental destruction, and implementation. They therefore, unlike the Libertarians, would rather restructure the government, and with it social and economic institutions away from a system which is controlled by and mostly benefits the powerful few, to a democratic, less bureaucratic system. The Green Party is a widely social equal party, and stands for the equality of all, which the government should manage through the previously mentioned methods, and government programs like universal health care. To contrast the Libertarian Party, the Green Party also stands for higher gun control and limiting of particular types of weapons, stricter reoccurred when purchasing a gun, and less public carrying. While there are some major differences and some overlaps of agreement, the two parties do see eye to eye on a few issues though, which could bring the United States progressively into a new era. Major issues that they agree on are progressive answers to topics like abortion restrictions and womens rights, same-sex marriages, capital punishment, drug liberalizing, and to a certain degree non-interventionist foreign policy and immigration restrictions. The future is always uncertain, but the same issues tend to resurface within he United States and over the course of decades, we can see a shift towards the left with the total outcomes.